Laser Treatments in Singapore

Medical grade laser treatments for all your different concerns.

What is Laser Treatment?

Laser treatment is a modern way to take care of your skin. It uses a special light to help improve how your skin looks and feels. This method is gentle and precise, making it a popular choice for many people. Whether you want to look younger, clear up blemishes, or skin rejuvenation, laser treatment is a great way to go.

Laser Treatments Singapore

  • Laser Treatment Singapore Benefit - Non-invasive

    Quick with little discomfort

  • Laser Treatment Singapore benefit - No downtime

    Minimal downtime

  • Laser Treatment Singapore benefit - Multiple concerns

    Treats many concerns

  • Laser Treatment Singapore Benefit - Long Results

    Results can be permanent

common laser treatments in singapore

How Does Laser Treatment Work?

Laser treatments works by using light to target and fix skin problems. The light goes into the skin and turns into heat, which helps get rid of unwanted skin cells and makes the skin heal itself. This can help make your skin tone look better and healthier.

What Conditions Can Laser Treatments Be Used For?

Laser treatments can help with many different skin issues, such as:

  • Signs of Ageing: It can make lines, wrinkles, and age spots less noticeable, helping you look younger.

  • Skin Tone and Texture: If your skin tone is uneven, or your skin feels rough or has large pores, laser treatments can be used for skin rejuvenation.

  • Pigmentation Issues: Things like freckles, sun spots, and dark patches can be treated, making your skin look clearer.

  • Acne and Scars: Acne scars treatment can help reduce acne and the marks it leaves behind.

  • Vascular Lesions: Problems like spider veins and redness can be treated, making your skin look clearer.

At Clarion, we carefully check your skin and choose the best laser treatments for you. We want to make sure that you get a treatment that not only helps your skin texture but also makes you feel more confident and happy.

What Types of Lasers Are There?

When it comes to laser treatments, you'll often encounter a few key options: Fractional laser, CO2 laser, and Picosure laser.

Fractional laser in Singapore works by targeting a fraction of the skin at a time, leaving surrounding areas untouched. This promotes quicker healing and less downtime compared to traditional laser treatments. 

On the other hand, the CO2 laser in Singapore focuses on more significant skin issues, like deep wrinkles and acne scars. It's a powerful tool in skin resurfacing, providing noticeable results.

Then there's the Picosure laser in Singapore, known for its rapid pulses that deliver energy in picoseconds. This makes it particularly effective for removing pigmentation and tattoos with minimal discomfort and downtime. 

Types of laser treatment

Laser treatments Singapore prices


On average, laser treatments in Singapore range from $180 per session. These rates can vary widely based on factors such as the type of laser used, the area of treatment, and the specific condition being addressed.

At Clarion, we offer competitive and transparent pricing in line with market rates. For an exact quote tailored to your specific skin needs, we recommend booking a consultation with our specialists. This way, you'll get a personalised treatment plan and precise pricing, ensuring you receive both value and quality care.

Laser Treatment from $180
Why laser treatment singapore

Why Is Laser Treatment Popular in Singapore?

Laser treatments has become increasingly popular in Singapore due to its effectiveness and convenience. Here’s why many choose this method:

  • Quick and Convenient: Most laser treatments can be done in a short visit, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.

  • Minimal Downtime: Unlike some other skin treatments, laser therapy usually requires little to no downtime. You can often return to your normal activities soon after.

  • Effective Results: Skin laser treatments can provide noticeable improvements in skin texture & appearance, often seen within a few sessions.

Why Choose Clarion for Laser Skin Treatments?

Choosing the right clinic for laser skin treatments is crucial. At Clarion, we stand out for several reasons:

  • Expertise: Our team consists of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the latest laser technologies.

  • Customised Care: We believe in a personalised approach, ensuring each treatment plan is tailored to your individual needs.

  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We use only the most advanced laser equipment to provide safe and effective treatments.

  • Comfortable Experience: Our clinic is designed to make your visit as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

By choosing Clarion, you're not just getting treatment; you're experiencing a commitment to excellence.


What to Expect from a Laser Treatment?

When you come in for a treatment, you'll start with a detailed consultation. Our specialists will assess your skin and discuss your goals, helping to create a treatment plan that's just right for you.

During the procedure, our specialist will use a laser device on your skin. You might feel a light snapping sensation, like tiny rubber bands hitting the skin, but it's generally not painful. Once the procedure is done, we may apply a soothing cream or cool pack to the treated area to help with any immediate redness or sensitivity. 

Our specialists will give you detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Our team is also available for any follow-up questions and to check on your progress. 

How Long Does a Laser Treatment Take?


Laser sessions at Clarion usually last from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of treatment and the area being treated. After each session, the downtime is usually minimal, allowing you to resume your daily activities with little interruption. 

Laser Skin Treatments in Singapore: FAQs

  • Typically, downtime is minimal, with most people returning to daily activities immediately. Some treatments might require a few hours to a day of rest, especially for more intensive procedures.

  • Laser treatment is very safe when conducted by our trained professionals. Pain is minimal, plus we use cooling methods and numbing creams to enhance comfort.

  • Initial improvements are often visible within a week after the first session, with more significant results after multiple treatments. The total number of sessions needed varies, typically ranging from 3 to 6, spaced a 4 to 6 weeks apart.

  • Results can last several months to years, depending on the treatment type and individual skin factors. To maintain results, follow-up treatments may be advised annually or as recommended by our specialists.

  • Ideal candidates are those seeking improvement for specific skin concerns like fine lines, acne scars, uneven pigmentation, or sun damage. It's best suited for individuals in good health, without active skin infections.

    We advise a personal consultation to assess suitability, especially for those with sensitive skin or specific medical conditions.